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Everything about D8 Gummies

Cost of D8 Gummies Retail

Everyone’s been asking how much it costs to buy a pack of d8 Gummies. So, let’s make it simple by giving you an example. For this example, 20mg D8 Gummies. They come 10 in a pack and are sealed to preserve freshness with our custom packaging.

For the example, lets assume you are within the United States and you are buying off the ecommerce website.

Unfortunately, since we have to manually package each bag and ensure quality control on each batch, our total cost to sell and ship the d8 gummies would be $20-$25. Still not bad when compared to other retailers whose gummies come back with random cannabinoids or less than you ordered.

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Cost of D8 Gummies Wholesale

For this example, 20mg D8 Gummies. They come 1000 in a pack and are sealed to preserve freshness with our standard bags.

For the example, lets assume you are within the United States and you are buying your d8 Gummies from one of our reliable representatives

Fortunately, since we do not have to manually package each bag, the cost to sell and ship the d8 gummies would be $0.25 per gummy. This is great on a 1000 unit order when compared to others. Buying D8 Gummies Wholesale will enable you to make a profitable storefront.

Other Things to Consider

The price for each can vary based off the following circumstances

  1. Raw Material Cost
  2. Volume
  3. Potency of Each Gummy
  4. Custom Shapes or Specs
  5. Filling and Packaging

Raw Material Cost is the main driving factor in producing affordable and potent d8 gummies. With D8 on a wholesale going down, our costs will be minimal when compared to other producers.

Volume is another huge factor. When you buy 100,000 gummies when compared to 1000, the price will change dramatically

Potency goes hand in hand with the cost of raw materials. If you buy less potent gummies, our price will go down in almost linear fashion.

Custom Shapes and specs really drive the price upward for one main reason: custom molding. We have to buy custom molds to meet your specs. This sets a higher MOQ and drives the price per gummy up. Volume will help bring this cost down.

Finally, Filling and packaging is a huge expense. Cost of materials, labor, filling, Quality Control and other minimal factors will impact this process causing prices to go up. Even volume will have minimal impacts as humans deserve a livable wage.


We hope that this article sheds some light on buying gummies both on a wholesale and retail level. We are always fighting to get you the best price with the best service. We are focused on building long term relationships and helping our clients achieve sustainability. Reach out to us if you have any interest.

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